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Thursday, September 18, 2014

A letter to the Great Mystery

Let me be not afraid
Even though everything I have known
is falling away.
Let me not regret the choices I have made.
Let me remain conscious
that I had good reasons
for making them.

Let me stay mindful
in my next steps.
And let me not be afraid to walk up ladders
even when I feel that I am kicking down
with every step.

Let me be aware, Dear Spirit,
that I am following my guides
through the dark forest
and I will soon come to the place
where the ancestors meet.

Let me stride up and take my place at the table.

Dear Spirit, I know that I
have nothing to fear.
I see your kind hands, inviting me into my future.
And like a caring, confident mama bird,
You have tossed me out of the nest.
I will not tumble, Great One.
I will fly.

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