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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Letter to my Heart

Dear Little Phoenix, The time is now, take what you need. 
Knowing healing you must take that to worlds beyond.
Dream the life of flowers garden table 
full of abundant harvest. Smell ripe truth 
and joy in your heart space. Help heal love and climb up,
ascend the white candle ladder with Matteo, 
he leads you to the coven circle with High Priestess 
and Grandmothers. Allow Pixie to lead you also, 
ripe plum woman knows heart song--knows why when you do not-- 
she will take you there. Send her the note you wish to send. Clothespins fire open joy and chickory cofee beignets. Go to the wild unknown. Travel there in heart 
and soul and let the waves take you 
to where you must roam free of constraints. Grandmother tells you, you must listen-
she is your spirit guardian and she sees you free-- 
loving more, embrace all that is for you. 
Take now and peace send to those who reach out to you. You’re the healer, Red-Winged one knows 
with the warm candles,
flame burning, she leads you right also, 
take the juiciness and the balm she offers.
Your soul needs a healing balm and she is it. 
She’s your coven, remember, you asked her? 
Do not let yourself forget past lives and joy- seeking. 
Hablar conmigo. Matteo, take my hand and let me guide you. 
The ladder of ascendance is the way of the gong. Let the gong and the Wild One take you now to 
higher sun kil moon love light. Blonde tiger kitty is also a guide, 
she’s wanting you to teach her spirit something. Go to her now, 
Let those places lead you to ripeness. You ready, ripe. Picked.

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